Belle Fourche, SD

City Services/Water Office

The City Services and Water Department office is located on the 1st floor of City Hall and is open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
The City of Belle Fourche offers the following services:
Every Monday, beginning the 1st Monday in April through the 1st Monday in December, the Blue Yard Waste Totes are picked up.
Every 3rd Monday, running from April through November, Branches are picked up. Branches must be placed at the curb. Please call City Services to have your address placed on the list or click her to do it online.
Every six months, residents have the opportunity to request a 300-gallon tote for a period of one week. The tote will be emptied on both Monday, aligning with your regular garbage collection day, and on Friday. It's important to note that this tote is designated solely for household items; construction debris is strictly prohibited.
Year Around Service:
Garbage shall be placed in the automated Green garbage tote provided by the City so as not to spill or scatter. If you have continuous extra garbage please call to have another garbage tote delivered for an additional $5.00 a month per tote.
If your garbage/yard waste collection day falls on a holiday, your pickup shall be the next business day.
Please ensure that the totes are positioned facing the road, leaving a three-foot radius around each tote to allow space for the truck to lift them.
Your water bill is processed and mailed out on or about the 20th of the month and are due on the 5th of every month.  To avoid a late fee of $5.00 or 5%, whichever is greater, on the past due amount the full payment must be received no later then the 10th of each month.  A City Services account is considered delinquent when an account balance is 20 days late as per Water Ordinance 13-08-400.  When a water account becomes three months delinquent, a notice of delinquency will be sent by first class mail with information regarding the account status.  These are due in full by the 28th of the month or services will be discontinued.
*Any trailer moving within or into the city limits must visit the engineering department to obtain a building permit before connecting to services.