Engineering Deparment
The Engineering Department is responsible for the design and construction administration of all city infrastructure projects, Planning & Zoning matters within the 3-mile jurisdiction, permits, contractor licenses and day-care licenses, and city improvement projects. Please read below for specific duties and responsibilities of the Engineering Department.
The Engineering Department includes the Building Department and Planning & Zoning Department.
Please click the links below for the following information.
If you have any questions, or would like more information, please feel free to contact us.
The Engineering Department is responsible for the following:
Building inspections
Building permits
Building permit extensions
Cemetery information, purchases, scheduling
Conditional use permits
Contractor licenses
Day care licenses
Design and construction administration of all city infrastructure projects
Excavation permits
Flood plain management
Flood plain development permits
Home occupations
Monument permits
Planning & Zoning matters within the 3-mile jurisdiction
Plats and mylar (preliminary, final, and administrative)
Rezoning amendments
Sewer permits
Streets, water, sewer, landfill, parks, and airport improvement projects
Water permits