Belle Fourche, SD

Flood Plain Management

The City of Belle Fourche is uniquely located at the convergence of four major water courses, the Belle Fourche River, Redwater River, Hay Creek, and Willow Creek.  Flooding can be expected to occur along these water courses at any time.  Loss of life and property damage can be avoided through proper flood plain management.
Below is the Flood Plain Development Permit.
If you have any questions, or would like more information regarding Flood Plain Management, please contact one of the following employees:

City Engineer
Brent Hardy, P. E.
Work cell: 605-920-8037
Office phone: 605-892-3006 ext. 227

Assistant City Engineer
Steve Nafus
Work cell: 605-210-1175
Office phone: 605-892-3006 ext. 226