Belle Fourche, SD

City Limit Addresses & Property Setback Guides

What addresses are in city limits?
  1. Click the "GIS City Map" link at the bottom of the page to view addresses within city limits
  2. Click on "Search GIS Layers" search bar in the upper right corner of the map
  3. Only type the address number and street name. Do not type Street, Avenue, or any abbreviations as the search tool is word sensitive


** If an address does not pop up and you believe it is in city limits, please contact the Engineering Department **
What are the setbacks for my property?
Setbacks are the distance between a structure and the front, back, and side property lines. The Engineering Department provides a list of surveyors who can locate exact property lines for citizens. Please contact us if you would like said list.
** If you do not know which zoning district you are in, please contact us **
  1. Click the "City of Belle Fourche Ordinances" link at the bottom of the page to view the city ordinances
  2. On the left side of the screen, you will see the various titles of our city ordinances
  3. Scroll down that left side list until you see "Title 17 - Planning and Zoning" and click on it ~ this will open a drop down list
  4. Click on "Division 1. - General Zoning" ~ this will open a list of all of the city zoning districts
  5. Click on the district your property is zoned as (See Zoning Districts list below)
  6. That district's "Use Regulations" will be the first table on your screen ~ these are the permitted uses and the conditional uses for that district. Conditional uses require Condition Use Permits that can only be issued by the Engineering Department
  7. Scroll down on that page until the next portion of the table shows "Development Standards" ~ these are the area requirements and setbacks for that district
Zoning Districts:
  • Residential Districts (Single-Family, Rural, Small Lot Single Family, Multi-Family, or Manufactured Housing) ~ click on "Chapter 17.06 - Residential Districts"
  • Commercial Districts (Central, Highway, or Neighborhood) ~ click on "Chapter 17.08 - Commercial Districts"
  • Industrial Districts (Light or Heavy) ~ click on "Chapter 17.10 - Industrial Districts"
  • Public and Semi-Public or Agricultural ~ click on "Chapter 17.12 - Special Purpose Districts"



If you have any questions, or would like more information, please feel free to contact us.