Belle Fourche, SD

Public Works and Planning & Zoning Meetings

If you would like to be on the agenda for either meeting, please contact the designated chairperson for that committee or one of the following city personnel:
Jason LaFayette - City Administrator
Office Phone: 605-569-1752
Brent Hardy - City Engineer
Work Cell: 605-920-8037
Ryan Stedillie - Public Works Director
(Public Works only)
Work Cell: 605-238-5287
Public Works Meetings:
4:30 pm
Second and fourth Monday of every month
City Hall (511 6th Avenue)
Council Chambers
** Public Works agendas are finalized and posted the Friday before every meeting **
To see Public Works agendas and minutes, click here.
Planning & Zoning Meetings:
4:00 pm
First Wednesday of the months November through February
First and Third Wednesday of the months March through October
City Hall (511 6th Avenue)
Council Chambers 
** Planning & Zoning agendas are finalized and posted the Friday before every meeting **
To see Planning & Zoning agendas and minutes, click here.