Belle Fourche, SD

General Rules and Regulations


For all rules and regulations, please click the "Cemetery Rules and Regulations brochure" link below.


Please read below for the following general information:


Perpetual Care:

Please click on the PDF below to view the perpetual care description. The statements noted on the PDF can also be found in the brochure underneath the "RULES" section and the "MEMORIAL CARE" section. 


Opening/Closing Scheduling Minimum Requirements:

  • April 1st through November 30th: Forty-eight (48) business hour/ two (2) business day notice
  • December 1st through March 31st: Four (4) business days notice


Decoration Requirements:

  • NO glass containers, pottery containers, or wires
  • April 1st through November 1st: artificial bouquets and cut flowers in regular, approved type of vase that is a permanent part of the marker or monument only
            * Exceptions are ~ Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Memorial Day.
            * Decorations for said holidays may be left for ten (10) days.
            * After the ten days, decorations will be removed. 
  • November 1st through April 1st: winter decorations (wreaths, grave blankets, artificial flowers, etc.) are allowed. Christmas flowers and decorations will be removed on April 1st. Blankets will be removed between February 15th and March 1st.


Memorial Day Decorations:

People may begin placing Memorial Day decorations in the cemeteries the week before the Memorial Day Monday. The ten (10) day period after Memorial Day mentioned above will still be in effect.