Belle Fourche, SD

"Specialty of Work"

With the majority of our licensed contractors being general contractors, "Specialty of Work" is designated for the further categorizing of general contractors. Electricians and plumbers will automatically be added to their respective lists.
"Specialty of Work" helps us create and add to lists of contractors who offer specific types of jobs Belle Fourche citizens may be looking for. There is a section of the General Contractor license application dedicated to "Specialty of Work" where general contractors can indicate which specialties of work their business offers. Once the Engineering Department receives that application, we put the contractor's contact information into the designated spreadsheet for that specialty. When a citizen requests the list of a specific type of job, we simply pull up that spreadsheet and provide them a copy.
The contractor's information we put on these spreadsheets are the following:
  • The name of the business
  • Their assigned Belle Fourche contractor license number for that year
  • The city and state of the business' address
  • The business' phone number
  • The business' email address